Thursday, 18 December 2008

Carol Singing

The singing group have been busy delighting the residents of Blandford with their beautiful carol singing.

First we went to Tesco where we were collecting for Christian Aid. It was very cold but we still sang our hearts out!

We also went to Bryanston Court and shared our carols with the residents there. They really enjoyed our singing and even joined in with some of the songs!

Monday, 10 November 2008

Peter Pan Day

Friday 7th Novemeber: Peter Pan Day 2008

Staff and children made a great effort today and came dressed as characters from Peter Pan.

At 11am we had a whole school sponsored sing. The money the children raise will go to the Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

The first go!

All I have to say is WOW!

This was the first time we and all come together and tried to put the production together. We have scenery being made behind us, songs and dances being put in and on top of all of that - the children were trying to remember their words as well.

Well done guys!

Have a look at some of the action ... and don't forget that the tickets are now in the school office for the 13th and 14th of Novemeber. Come and see our version of Peter Pan.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Peter Pan Update

Well - what can I say? We have had a really good half term and the work that has been done on Peter Pan so far is amazing.

So the update:

  • Peter Pan day is planned for November 7th. Please do come and see all the fantastic work that has been going on throughout the day at 2.30pm - our Peter Pan assembly

  • Costumes are coming along a treat. I think everything is sorted except Peter Pan's hat and Nana's costume

  • The hall is gradually being transformed into Never land with palm trees, the Jolly Roger and a very large window

  • Songs are being learnt and sound fab! Keep up the good work.

  • Tickets are being printed so that they are available to all of you when we come back from half term - performance dates 13th and 14th November at 6.30pm

Friday, 10 October 2008

Cast at last

What a week...drama auditions, singing and making the hard decision about who to give the parts to (that hardest bit). In addition to that we have started to sort out costumes, been tracking down the songs and sorted out each classes contribution. A busy week on the production front!
Each class in key stage 2 will be taking part in the production, which is exciting. We have Year 3 as pirates, Year 4 as Indians, Year 5 as Lost Boys and Year 6 as Merpeople. They will be singing and dancing their way through the show in fabulous costumes.
Keep your eyes peeled for the next update and more photos of what is going on.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

It is THAT time of year again!

Yes - it is THAT time of year again! By THAT time of year, I mean key stage 2 production time, and by that I mean panto time!

How exciting!

This year, our key stage 2 production is going to be Peter Pan complete with fairy dust, swash buckling pirates and a ticking crocodile.

So far in drama club, we have watched the Disney video and asked the children to think about which part they might like to audition for. The choice is endless - Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, Wendy, the crocodile ... the list is just endless.

Next week we are going to audition the children and hopefully cast the production. We can then crack on with the land of make believe!

As part of our production, I think it is important to mention that J. M Barrie gave the rights for Peter Pan to The Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). GOSH have adapted the book Peter Pan into a play/panto that schools can use in return for some fundraising to help the children of The Great Ormond Street Hospital. Therefore, keep your eyes peeled for our BSM fundraising ideas and if you have any, then please come and let us know.

A great start to the year ...

What a great start to the year for music at Blandford St Mary

On Friday 3rd October we had the privilege of having our music teachers join us for our Friday assembly.

We heard 2 of Mr Turnbull's brass students play for us as well as the piano students improvise on the piano as we all left the hall.

As well as that we sang songs along with a trumpet, a violin, the piano and 2 guitars (on being Mr Lavis!).

We are very lucky at BSM to have a wide range of instrumental teachers to learn from. The choices include:

  • guitar

  • cello

  • double bass

  • violin

  • piano

  • tenor horn

  • trumpet

  • drums

If anyone would like to have a go at learning any one of these instruments then come and let your class teacher or Mr Lavis know and we will get you started.