Sunday, 5 October 2008

It is THAT time of year again!

Yes - it is THAT time of year again! By THAT time of year, I mean key stage 2 production time, and by that I mean panto time!

How exciting!

This year, our key stage 2 production is going to be Peter Pan complete with fairy dust, swash buckling pirates and a ticking crocodile.

So far in drama club, we have watched the Disney video and asked the children to think about which part they might like to audition for. The choice is endless - Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, Wendy, the crocodile ... the list is just endless.

Next week we are going to audition the children and hopefully cast the production. We can then crack on with the land of make believe!

As part of our production, I think it is important to mention that J. M Barrie gave the rights for Peter Pan to The Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). GOSH have adapted the book Peter Pan into a play/panto that schools can use in return for some fundraising to help the children of The Great Ormond Street Hospital. Therefore, keep your eyes peeled for our BSM fundraising ideas and if you have any, then please come and let us know.

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